13.1 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Re-detachment Surgery
13.2 Macular Hole Retinal Detachment
13.3 Retinoschisis Retinal Detachment
13.4 Optic Disc Pit Retinal Detachment and Maculopathy
13.5 Giant Retinal Tear Detachment
13.6 Retinal Dialysis
13.7 Macular Folds
13.8 Sickle Cell Detachment
13.9 Viral Retinitis Associated Retinal Detachment
13.10 Paediatric Retinal Detachment
13.11 Coloboma Associated Retinal Detachment
13.12 Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Retinal Detachment
16.1 Epiretinal Membrane Peel
16.2.1 Macular Hole Repair (Surgical)
16.2.2 Macular Hole Repair (Medical Therapy)
16.3 Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome
16.4 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Vitrectomy
16.5.1 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling
16.5.2 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling (AJL)
26.1 Phaco-Vitrectomy
26.2 Pars Plana Lensectomy
26.3 Intraocular Lens Explantation
26.4 Secondary Intraocular Lens Insertion Clinical Scenarios & Clinical Decision Making
26.5 Sulcus Intraocular Lens
26.6 Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens
26.7 Iris Fixated Intraocular Lenses
26.8.1 Scleral Sutured Intraocular Lens – Traditional 2 Point Fixation
26.8.2 Scleral Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens 4 Point Fixation
26.8.3 Scleral Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens – “Hoffman” Corneoscleral Pockets
26.8.4 Alternate Technique to Rescue a Dislocated IOL – Triangular Scleral Flap, Sutured IOL Technique
26.8.5 Suturing Without Exchanging the Intraocular Lens
26.9 Sutureless Scleral Fixation of an Intraocular Lens
26.10 Cataract Surgery & Retinal Disease
13.1 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Re-detachment Surgery
13.2 Macular Hole Retinal Detachment
13.3 Retinoschisis Retinal Detachment
13.4 Optic Disc Pit Retinal Detachment and Maculopathy
13.5 Giant Retinal Tear Detachment
13.6 Retinal Dialysis
13.7 Macular Folds
13.8 Sickle Cell Detachment
13.9 Viral Retinitis Associated Retinal Detachment
13.10 Paediatric Retinal Detachment
13.11 Coloboma Associated Retinal Detachment
13.12 Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Retinal Detachment
16.1 Epiretinal Membrane Peel
16.2.1 Macular Hole Repair (Surgical)
16.2.2 Macular Hole Repair (Medical Therapy)
16.3 Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome
16.4 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Vitrectomy
16.5.1 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling
16.5.2 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling (AJL)
26.1 Phaco-Vitrectomy
26.2 Pars Plana Lensectomy
26.3 Intraocular Lens Explantation
26.4 Secondary Intraocular Lens Insertion Clinical Scenarios & Clinical Decision Making
26.5 Sulcus Intraocular Lens
26.6 Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens
26.7 Iris Fixated Intraocular Lenses
26.8.1 Scleral Sutured Intraocular Lens – Traditional 2 Point Fixation
26.8.2 Scleral Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens 4 Point Fixation
26.8.3 Scleral Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens – “Hoffman” Corneoscleral Pockets
26.8.4 Alternate Technique to Rescue a Dislocated IOL – Triangular Scleral Flap, Sutured IOL Technique
26.8.5 Suturing Without Exchanging the Intraocular Lens
26.9 Sutureless Scleral Fixation of an Intraocular Lens
26.10 Cataract Surgery & Retinal Disease
16.1 Epiretinal Membrane Peel
16.2.1 Macular Hole Repair (Surgical)
16.2.2 Macular Hole Repair (Medical Therapy)
16.3 Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome
16.4 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Vitrectomy
16.5.1 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling
16.5.2 Myopic Traction Maculopathy – Macular Buckling (AJL)
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Westmead Eye Manual
This invaluable open-source textbook for eye care professionals summarises the steps ophthalmologists need to perform when examining a patient.