13.1 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Re-detachment Surgery
13.2 Macular Hole Retinal Detachment
13.3 Retinoschisis Retinal Detachment
13.4 Optic Disc Pit Retinal Detachment and Maculopathy
13.5 Giant Retinal Tear Detachment
13.6 Retinal Dialysis
13.7 Macular Folds
13.8 Sickle Cell Detachment
13.9 Viral Retinitis Associated Retinal Detachment
13.10 Paediatric Retinal Detachment
13.11 Coloboma Associated Retinal Detachment
13.12 Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Retinal Detachment
Viral retinitis is a rare disease which can occur in healthy and in immunocompromised individuals. It involves the ocular infection with Herpesviridae. Untreated viral retinitis can be complicated by retinal detachment.
This presents most commonly in immunocompetent patients where the causative viral agent is VZV or less frequently HSV. In the early acute herpetic phase, the inflammation may involve several layers of the eye (panuveitis). In the late cicatricial phase, changes at the vitreoretinal interface can lead to multiple retinal breaks within and at the edge of necrotic retina. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy and the formation of membranes cause traction which ultimately leads to retinal detachment in 50-75% of eyes with untreated ARN.
Progressive outer retinal necrosis generally affects immunocompromised patients. Typically, there is little intraocular inflammation combined with multiple foci of progressive outer retinal opacification sparing vasculature in the initial phase, however often involving the macula. VZV is also here the predominant causative agent followed by HSV. Retinal detachment can occur in 70% of patients with PORN within 4 weeks. They tend to progress quickly to total retinal detachment.
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